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The latest news and updates on the campaign to protect moorland communities and rural England.

Jul 30, 2020
The fracking hypocrisy of Mark Avery and the anti-DGS campaigners
Recent polling across the UK confirms, as was suspected, that 99.37% of the population have no opinion one way or the other on driven...

Jul 27, 2020
How the RSPB sabotaged plans to reintroduce the hen harrier to southern England
What a very strange world we live in. As we all know, the hen harrier is the one bird of prey most revered by Chris Packham fans and the...

Jul 24, 2020
Moorland management on blanket bogs: Is there a one-size fits all solution?
Dr Andreas Heinemeyer is a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute and he is currently in the final stretch of a...

Jul 21, 2020
Will the fake news ever stop?
Image: Richard Walker Last week, we reported on Tim Birch, the Extinction Rebellion supporter and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust’s...

Jul 17, 2020
Moorland peatland restoration project reduces carbon emissions on areas of bare peat by 60%
Across the UK's uplands significant work has been going on to restore peatland. There are few better examples of this peatland...

Jul 16, 2020
Wildlife experts distance themselves from XR’s Tim Birch’s ‘ludicrous’ attack against gamekeepers
[A Bearded Vulture similar to the one spotted this week in the Peak District] This week saw the surprise arrival of a Lammergeier, also...

Jul 15, 2020
Mark Avery dismisses holidays in the North of England as an ‘unattractive prospect’
[There are few pleasures in life nicer than visiting our moorlands] At a time of unprecedented economic crisis, rural England needs all...

Jul 14, 2020
We all need to highlight the common ground between the shooting community and the RSPB
The RSPB are currently in the process of conducting a review into gamebird shooting – with particular focus on driven grouse shooting....

Jul 7, 2020
Packham and Avery’s petition against DGS littered with foreign signatories
Mark Avery gets very excited about petitions. They bring him out in a frenzied state of uncontrollable excitement like an overgrown child...

Jul 6, 2020
Fanatics trying to stop controlled burning will cost lives, following dire warning from firefighters
For thousands of years, humans have been using controlled burning as an essential, indeed life-saving, technique for firefighters and...

Jul 3, 2020
RSPB’s political wing hijacked by left-wing extremist, Adam Barnett, and helped by Kerry McCarthy MP
Across the UK there is growing anger towards public bodies, executive and authorities that have assumed unelected responsibility for...

Jul 1, 2020
Avery's hypocrisy causing supporters to 'lose faith'
Mark Avery does not look like a man who spreads anything too thinly when it comes to his breakfast – but many of his own supporters are...

Jun 26, 2020
Gamekeepers act quickly to stop a wildfire on Peak District's Woodhead Moor
At 6.30pm last night, two gamekeepers saw smoke coming off the edge of the Woodhead Moor. They quickly sent out a fire alert to the fire...

Jun 25, 2020
Debunking the lies trotted out by Chris Packham and Mark Avery's agenda driven campaign against us
The debate on driven grouse shooting is nothing new; however in recent years accusations from our opponents have become far more toxic,...

Jun 22, 2020
Reports emerge of nine Hen Harriers predated by a fox on RSPB’s Bowland reserve
Reports have been emerging over the weekend that nine Hen Harriers, including seven newly fledged chicks, have been predated by a fox on...

Jun 22, 2020
2020 looks set to be a successful year for Hen Harriers
Hen Harriers are beautiful birds and prized above all other birds of prey; all other species for that matter. The male is a stunning...

Jun 11, 2020
The importance of working together
Many of you will know of Mark Avery; indeed, his name has cropped up on here before. As one of the three directors of the Wild Justice...

Jun 3, 2020
Wild Justice working with law firm that represented ‘murderous Shia militias’ in Iraq
Mark Avery, Chris Packham and Ruth Tingay’s Wild Justice working with law firm that represented ‘murderous Shia militias’ to pursue cases...

Jun 2, 2020
What's to be done about wildlife licensing in England?
Eagle mobbed by crows in Hemsley. Image: David Dixon Ever since Natural England were last year forced to revoke three General Licences...

May 31, 2020
Peak District inferno brought under control
Tragedy was averted yesterday after gamekeepers brought under a control a wildfire that threatened to cause untold damage, and risked the...
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