Wild Justice’s “Hen Harrier Fest” turned out to be, once again, nothing but a damp squib, with Chris Packham and various RSPB representatives addressing empty fields and single-digit crowds.
Not that you would have known that unless you were there! Mark Avery and Ruth Tingay have unsurprisingly failed to comment on the event so far – in spite of mass promotion for the event in advance.

A stage appropriate for addressing thousands of people had been prepared, and clearly significant amounts of their supporters’ money had been spent on preparations. And yet, Wild Justice seemingly failed to attract more than a handful of their most maddened and dedicated followers. One of the few speakers they did have, and awarded a prize to, was poetry competition winner who was promoting increased numbers of crows and magpies.
The problem with Hen Harrier day – or ‘fest’ as it has now been rebranded – is that people realise it is now little more than a publicity stunt, which seeks to spread a vicious false narrative generated by Ruth Tingay and Mark Avery against gamekeepers. The public know that hen harriers have experienced excellent breeding rates in recent years, with last year the most successful breeding season for 50 years, with 84 chicks fledged from 24 successful nests. That upward trend is set to continue with this year’s numbers being the highest yet.
Furthermore the Brood Management scheme continues to be the success it was expected to be, despite the protestations from the RSPB.
It seems this circus of vilification has coming to a crashing end, and common sense is starting to prevail.