For people up and down the country, 8pm on a Thursday night has become a date for the diary. Because Thursday night, as we all know by now, is the night on which we all stand on our doorsteps and ‘clap for our carers’; showing our appreciation for the NHS staff who are working tirelessly with coronavirus victims.
In more rural areas, however, if you stand outside and clap, there’s every likelihood that no one outside your immediate family – and perhaps a fair few animals – will hear you.
With this in mind, the keepers and their families who live and work in the North Yorkshire Moors decided to do something that would make more of an impact than simply clapping, by taking part in ‘Horn for Heroes’. They and their children blew shooting horns, making a sound that echoed across the moors for everyone to hear.
“The NHS and key workers all across the country are doing an amazing job, and we wanted to show our appreciation”, explained Tina Brough of the North Yorkshire Moors Moorland Association. “However many of our NYMMO keepers and families live in very remote areas, so we thought we’d increase the chance of our neighbours hearing us by using some specialist ‘keeper’ equipment. We decided to call it ‘Horn for heroes’! Blowing horns is a great way to get the kids involved as well, as they love it.”
This Thursday, and every week for the foreseeable future, moorland communities will be outside their doors showing their support for the NHS.