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Channel 4 news report reinforces value of grouse shooting on environment and local economy


Last night's Channel 4 news report on grouse shooting proved three key points that those living in our moorland communities already knew, but now hopefully much more of the UK know to:

[A gamekeeper showing how wet the peat remains after a controlled heather burn]

  1. Burning heather on our moorlands prevents the risk of wildfire and does no damage to the peat beneath which remains wet throughout the burn.

  2. The moorland communities rely upon grouse shooting as a vital source of income.

  3. There is more wildlife on managed moorland than any other nature reserve managed, particularly by the RSPB.

Jane Dodge, the Channel 4 presenter, was shown how the peat remained wet after the burning and water was squeezed out on camera.

After which she agreed in her report that ‘it was hard to find anyone locally who disagreed with these points’.

[A local baker reinforcing the benefits to the local economy from grouse shooting]

Despite her efforts to find opposing views, everyone she spoke to from the local community recognised and celebrated the benefits of grouse shooting on the local economy and the environment.

First up to be interviewed was a local retail shop owner. When questioned over the impact of the grouse shooting he responded: “It affects the town, it affects the hotels, it affects the butchers, it affects the bakers, where people come and get their food before going up on the moors, the reliance on shooting is absolutely massive.”

[Recent research outlined the vast economic and social benefit of dgs on local communities]

When asked about whether burning needed to be part of that, the shop owner response: “burning is essential is you want to keep the moors and conserve the moor.”

A second local resident, a baker, then added: “the people who come here for shooting spend a lot of money.”

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