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The latest news and updates on the campaign to protect moorland communities and rural England.

Oct 9, 2023
Rod for his own back - part one
Rod Liddle recently upset quite a lot of his new neighbours in Weardale with a rant fest about grouse shooting and grouse moor management...

Oct 2, 2023
Ruth Tingay kills vibe at Restore Nature Now with rambling hate speech against upland communities
If you had walked past DEFRA’s London office on Thursday, you would have seen the motley collection of nature enthusiasts that had...

Sep 27, 2023
How Hen harriers became a conservation success story, with no thanks to the RSPB
This article, written by Adrian Blackmore, first appeared on the Countryside Alliance website. The hen harrier is one of our rarest birds...

Sep 21, 2023
Natural England hen harrier data reveals just 2% suffered persecution
According to the latest data supplied by Natural England just 2% of hen harriers have been persecuted. By contrast 27% of the hen...

Sep 18, 2023
Hen harrier numbers 'now higher than at any other time in the last 200 years'
Hen harrier numbers continue to soar to record levels across England, according to new data released by Natural England. 141 chicks have...

Sep 13, 2023
Packham sparks fury after suggesting oil refineries could be blown up by eco-activists
Chris Packham, the BBC presenter, RSPB Vice President and eco-activist, has been labelled 'hugely irresponsible' by Scotland Yard...

Sep 13, 2023
Scottish government playing 'Russian roulette' with rural businesses and livelihoods
There has been extensive coverage this week on the proposed changes to the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill in Scotland after nearly...

Sep 6, 2023
White Tailed Eagles Found to be Predating Hen Harriers
White tailed eagles were extinct in the UK in the early 20th century, however efforts to reintroduce them have been so successful that it...

Sep 4, 2023
Just how much did Jeff Knott, RSPB's Policy Director, know in advance about controversial Tweet?
The RSPB is in hot water. The Charity Commission is investigating whether recent social media activity calling politicians LIARS! amounts...

Aug 31, 2023
Wildfire risk due to burning ban is being ignored, warn scientists
Scientists have warned that the benefits of controlled burning are being ignored, with an ‘undue’ focus on grouse shooting being...

Aug 31, 2023
RSPB in disarray after board members lambast the charity
The RSPB is in disarray after one of its own board members – scientist Dr. Ben Caldecott – accused the RSPB of being "simply not...

Aug 27, 2023
Packham could face 'up to six months in prison' if charged with disturbing protected goshawk chicks
Footage of Chris Packham sniffing a goshawk chick whilst filming for the BBC is at the centre of a police probe amid claims the...

Aug 23, 2023
RSPB greenwashing more water companies as SevernTrent partnership details emerge
Lake Vyrnwy once boasted an abundance of wildlife and was widely considered the jewel of the Welsh Uplands. Described 30 years ago as a...

Aug 17, 2023
United Utilities and the RSPB: A sordid cycle of 'crapwashing'
United Utilities has a very poor relationship with many of the people it is meant to serve. This is not just because of how it treats...

Aug 8, 2023
Grouse moor management offers ‘most sustainable option' in meeting 30 x 30 target, says new report
[Credit: Emily Graham] A new report concludes, based on International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) environmental, social and...

Jul 31, 2023
Kate Forbes MSP hails role of gamekeepers in tackling wildfires
Kate Forbes MSP in discussion with Ross Ewing of Scottish Land & Estates, Lianne MacLennan of Scotland's Regional Moorland groups and...

Jul 27, 2023
How United Utilities became the 'Coutts of the Countryside'
Coutts bank is facing an existential crisis and widespread criticism having being found to have wrongly imposed inappropriate 'value...

Jul 26, 2023
United Utilities' inane decision on sporting leases shows why RSPB's vision of grouse moors is a lie
Well, we can hardly say we are surprised that United Utilities has decided to try a bit of bogus virtue signalling by saying it will no...

Jul 25, 2023
Campaign launched against United Utilities' 'illogical and irrational' decision not to renew leases
[United Utilities CEO Louisa Beardmore] The recent announcement that United Utilities will not be renewing shooting leases on its land,...
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