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10th Dec - Max Wiszniewsk, REVIVE Director


Updated: Dec 16, 2020

Max Wiszniewski is the Campaign Director of the REVIVE Coalition for Grouse Moor Reform and a series of contradictions.

Wiszniedwski is man who claims his attitudes towards grouse moor reform is driven by environmental passion and protection of nature, and yet he has no qualms at all over his organisations’ links to fracking companies and wind power developers who clearly stand to benefit from devalued grouse moors.

Wiszniedwski also naively confirmed in a recent radio interview with Time Radio what everyone opposed to grouse moor licensing knew only too well - opponents like Max see this as only 'a first step' in the hostilities towards moorland management, not the solution that they say they are advocating.

Suspicions have been raised in the past as to whether REVIVE is simply a trojan horse – or perhaps ‘a useful idiot’ is a more appropriate term – for the energy companies looking to control these vast areas of Scottish moorland. Some of the recommendations put forward by REVIVE’S partners, Common Weal, on alternative land use would certainly suggest so.

Max's father is hugely talented artist, yet Max seems to failed to inherit his artistic creativity. This was clearly demonstrated recently during a cringe-worthy spoof of Dragons Den he was the brainchild for which sought to try and delegitimise the economic and social value grouse shooting brings to moorland communities.

Not only was this budget production painstakingly awkward, it is also factually entirely inaccurate as demonstrated by the University of Northampton’s recent study on the social and economic impact of moorland management. and indeed parts of the Werrity Report.

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